

Look like a princess on your special day with the best bridal makeup by experienced beauticians. Mehandhi Design, Arabic Black, Nail Art.

Wedding Groom

Make it a grooming ritual. Scrub, shave, trim, put on a good face and look like success. While having a good time.

Hair Cut

Boy Cut, Mashroom, Straight Cut, Deep U Cut, Layer Cut, Hair Wash With Setting,(Blowdry), Ironing

Hair Colouring

Colour cream based, Highlights hair - Global highlights and global hair, Blond hair colour highlights, per layer.


Pappaya, Orange, Berry, Banana, Seaweed, Vitamic, Moisture Refill, COllagen Restore, Mineral Mask


Deep cleaning, Kareena pedi spa, Paraffin pedi spa, lush luxury foot spa with reflexology indi foot spa, Manicure.


Deep cleaning, Kareena pedi spa, Paraffin pedi spa, lush luxury foot spa with reflexology indi foot spa, Pedicure.